Otmoor 24th Otmoor

Otmoor 24th Otmoor

(c) Terry Sherlock
Hen Harrier (juv per Lew) still on Otmoor this afternoon over Ashgrave then later over the Closes per Bark and Terry Sherlock & Nick Suckling.

Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor Rspb 4th January
5 White-fronted Geese with Greylag flock this (pm per RSPB staff) Bittern from first screen this am (per Terry Sherlock) (Bark) Otmoor Birding Bittern (c) Terry Sherlock...

- Rspb Otmoor Wetland Birds Count 3rd December
Little Egret 1 (Big Otmoor)Grey Heron 4 (1 Malt Pit, 1 Ashgrave, 2 Big Otmoor)Mute Swan 12 (2 Ashgrave, 8 Flood, 2 Greenaways)Greylag Goose 153 (1 Ashgrave, 152 Closes)Canada Goose 186 (173 Ashgrave, 6 Big Otmoor, 7 Flood)Wigeon 129...

- Rspb Otmoor Webs (unofficial) 29th Oct.
Lapwing 587 (12 Closes, 75 Greenaways, 500 Ashgrave)Snipe 2 (1 Closes, 1 Ashgrave)Golden plover 14 (13 Big Otmoor, 1 Ashgrave)Redshank 2 (2 Closes) Greylag geese 158 (158 Closes)Canada geese 383 (2 Closes, 1 Flood, 380 Ashgrave)Moorhen 6 (3 Closes, 3...

- Otmoor 23rd October
Bearded Tit at least 3 (3 seen at the 1st screen this p.m by (Terry Tossel) 2 seen at the 2nd screen by Ron Louch this p.m) Hen Harrier (ringtail) over Greenaways this p.m (per Terry Tossel) Water Rail heard only in the reed beds Raven over...

- Otmoor 18th February
Brent Goose (on the Closes late morning with the Greylags) White-fronted Goose (on Greenaways early morning) Bittern  seen briefly in flight early morning at the west end of Greenaways.              then...

