Otmoor.24th June.

Otmoor.24th June.

Whimbrel & Lapwing courtesy of Helaine Cadman

2 Marsh Harrier.
2 Turtle Dove (purring)
3 or 4 Snipe (flying)
4 Raven (over)
1 Hobby.

 (per P R. & P G)

2 Common Crane flew over the first screen towards Brill 16:47
1 Whimbrel on Greenaways 17:23

(per Helaine Cadman)

Common Cranes courtesy of Helaine Cadman

- Otmoor 19th July
Barn Owl over Otmoor Courtesy of Helaine Cadman. Marsh Harrier                     Hobby Sparrowhawk Black-tailed Godwit Redshank Little Egret c8 Turtle Dove Stock Dove 4 (Lasty,Tezzer,Badger) Full...

- Otmoor 6th July
Marsh Harrier Hobby Sparrowhawk Raven 5 Little Egret 10+ Turtle Dove 2+ Starling c200 Cetti's Warbler Spotted Flycatcher Starlings courtesy of  Helaine Cadman ...

Reed Warblers on Otmoor courtesy of Helaine Cadman ...

- Otmoor 23rd September
Water Rail courtesy of Helaine Cadman Bittern Marsh harrier 1 Buzzard 4 Sprawk 1 Hobby 2 Kestrel 2 Kingfisher 1 Water rail 1 (per Terry Tossell)...

- Otmoor 19th July
Bittern Otmoor 18/7 courtesey of H.Cadman Glossy Ibis came in to roost along the spit viewed from the 1st screen c20:45 Bittern showing well from the 1st screen 20:20 Little Egret 17 in roost from 1st screen Barn Owl (per Steve Roby) Seen from the bridleway...

