Otmoor 18th June

Otmoor 18th June

Turtle Dove 4
Grasshopper Warbler 3

Marsh Harrier f
Little Egret 4

(per Terry Tossel)

Reed Warbler Otmoor courtesey of Derek Woodard

- Otmoor: 7th July
Turtle dove purring on the north side of Ashgrave. 12 Little Egrets on Big Otmoor and Ashgrave. Marsh Harrier 2 (1 over Ashgrave) 1 Hobby Water Rail (h) Kingfisher on southern reedbed. Grasshopper Warbler (h) Lesser Whitethroat 1 Spotted Flycatcher News...

- Otmoor: 21st May
  Marsh Harrier: fem. Over reed bed. 4 Turtle Dove 3 Hobby Curlew 2 Oystercatcher: Ashgrave. 5 Common Tern: Two on raft. Three over. Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger Grasshopper Warbler Little Egret 5 (per Terry Tossel) Both photos (c) Peter...

- Otmoor: 16th April
5 Chiffchaff Reed Warbler 2 Sedge Warbler 12 Willow Warbler 2 Whitethroat 2 House Martin 25 Swallow 6 Sand Martin 2 Water Rail Dunlin 3 Curlew 15 Redshank 3 Snipe: Drumming over Greenaways (over bridleway). Peter Coombes Willow Warbler Otmoor (c) Bark...

- Otmoor: 30th July
Otmoor Cuckoo: juv. Spectacular views of juvenile being fed by Reed Warblers. Turtle Dove: On wires near carpark. Grasshopper Warbler Raven: Big Otmoor. Peter Coombes See also Peter's great new blog: The Otmoor Blogger Gnome...

- Otmoor 17th June
Peregrine 1 (juv) Hobby 4 Turtle Dove Grasshopper Warbler 2 (1 along track to 1st screen) Garden Warbler Lesser Whitethroat Cuckoo Again no sign of the Corncrake Otmoor Birding...

