Otmoor 17th May

Otmoor 17th May

Near Summer plumaged Ruff Big Otmoor please view at 720p

Glossy Ibis though mobile
Garganey 2 (Big Otmoor)
Ruff nr sum plum (Big Otmoor)
Whimbrel probable (per Paul Greenaway)
Marsh Harrier
Hobby 4+
Turtle Dove 2
Raven 2

Hobby courtesey of John Reynolds

Red Kite with adult Lapwing prey (c) John Reynolds
Glossy Ibis in flight (c) Andy Last

- Rspb Otmoor 2nd June
Glossy Ibis, feeding on the Closes field at 12:00 1 Hobby 2 Oystercatcher Also: 6 Snipe (drumming) 2 Turtle Dove 1 Grey Wagtail (Otmoor Lane). Cuckoo 2+ (Badger) (per Paul Greenaway) Lapwing (juv) courtesey of Paul Greenaway...

- Otmoor 1st June
Glossy Ibis still this morning Marsh Harrier (Stephen Collier) Turtle Dove 2+ Hobby 2+ Cuckoo 3 Glossy Ibis & Marsh Harrier pictures  courtesey of Stephen Collier. Full weekend round-up tomorrow on Otmoor Birding...

- Otmoor.a.m. 29th May.
1 Glossy Ibis ( Closes) 2 Oystercatcher 2 Turtle Dove 2 Snipe 3 Cuckoo. Redshank Otmoor courtesey of John Reynolds ...

- Otmoor 19th May
Glossy ibis 15:30 (on Flood field earlier over Greenaways P.G) Pair of garganey. Ruff 2 ringed plover. 2 Raven. 1 Curlew (calling). 2 Cuckoo 1 seen in trees bordering car park and MoD land, 2nd seen from top hide on telegraph wires. 2 Turtle Dove (per...

- Otmoor 13th May
Glossy Ibis on Big Otmoor this evening please view at 720p HD Joe Harris found a Glossy Ibis at 12:00 on the Oddington Flood Field. Now relocated to "Big Otmoor" & still present 19:30. View from the bridleway halfway between the hide and the Noke...

