Otmoor 15th January

Otmoor 15th January

Lesser spotted Woodpecker flying along track between hide and Noke
White-fronted Goose 2 on Ashgrave
Redpoll 5 at feeders
Raven 2
Water Rail in ditch on Closes side of hide

(per Terry Tossel)

- Otmoor: 7th July
Turtle dove purring on the north side of Ashgrave. 12 Little Egrets on Big Otmoor and Ashgrave. Marsh Harrier 2 (1 over Ashgrave) 1 Hobby Water Rail (h) Kingfisher on southern reedbed. Grasshopper Warbler (h) Lesser Whitethroat 1 Spotted Flycatcher News...

- Otmoor.a.m. 7th January.
1 Cetti's Warbler (calling, by the bridleway) 20 Snipe (Greenaways Scrape) 3 White-fronted Geese (Ashgrave,Noke end) 1 Ross's Goose (feral) 1 Peregrine (female, on Big Otmoor) 2 Stonechat (M&F, Greenaways) 1 Sparrowhawk (female, Otmoor Lane)....

- Otmoor 23rd October
Bearded Tit at least 3 (3 seen at the 1st screen this p.m by (Terry Tossel) 2 seen at the 2nd screen by Ron Louch this p.m) Hen Harrier (ringtail) over Greenaways this p.m (per Terry Tossel) Water Rail heard only in the reed beds Raven over...

- Otmoor 17th March
Wheatears (c) Terry Sherlock 9 Wheatear (2 nr the farm at Noke 3 Big Otmoor 4 Ashgrave) 4 Chiffchaff 1 Peregrine 1 Merlin (m Greenaways) 1 Sparrowhawk 1 Ruff    (per the Robys) 1 Snipe 4 Redpoll (on the C.F feeders) Otter (along...

- Otmoor 7th February
Hen Harrier Islip Village near church today (Jamie Coleman) Peregrine over Ashgrave Water Rail calling from ditch near hide. (Terry Tossel) For all things Moorish Otmoor Birding...

