Otmoor 14th August

Otmoor 14th August

Marsh Harrier
Green Sandpiper 3
Common Sandpiper
Little-ringed Plover juv
Snipe 10+
Water Rail
Kingfisher 3
Yellow Wagtail 7

Tezzer,Stephen Lockey,Andy Last
Stephen Collier, John Reynolds, Badger.
Water Rail courtesey of Stephen Lockey
Bittern & Common Sandpiper courtesey of Tezzer
Kingfishers courtesey of John Reynolds
Soggy Ducks by Badger

- Otmoor Sept 2nd Am
1st Screen 1 Common Sandpiper 8 Snipe Marsh Harrier Kingfisher Cettis Warbler Water Rail Noke 1 Wheatear Yellow Wagtails overhead Greenaways 4 Hobbies                              ...

- Otmoor 19th August
2. Black Tailed Godwit. 8. Yellow Wagtail. 2 Marsh Harrier. 2 Hobby Green Sandpiper. 2 Greenshank. Water Rail Kingfisher Redstart 2 along path to 2nd scn (per Pete Roby) Whinchat 4 Noke Farm (per Pete Roby) Mistle Thrush.   Saunders Field. Tawny...

- Otmoor.a.m. 18th August.
1 Green Sandpiper 1 Greenshank 1 L.R.Plover 1 Marsh Harrier (Ad F.) 1 Cuckoo (juv) 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Hobby 2 Whinchat  3 Black-tailed Godwit  1 Marsh Harrier (juv M.)      per Jack Davies. 17 Yellow Wagtail Islip On community hall...

- Otmoor 7th August.
Greenshank and Bittern courtesey of John Reynolds Evening: Marsh Harrier.   2. Gargany.            2. Bittern. Kingfisher.          2. Green Sandpiper. Turtle Dove.        2....

- Otmoor 1st August
Marsh Harrier 2 Bittern Garganey (1st screen) Hobby Wigeon Green Sandpiper Snipe c15 Water Rail 1+ Yellow Wagtail 3 (over) Starling c2000 Kingfisher m (per Paul Greenaway ,Rog & Sue,   Phil Barnett,Graham & Badger)...

