Otmoor 13th May

Otmoor 13th May

Garganey 2 (m/f) (per Bark)

Glaucous gull: what looked like an adult bird feeding with a large flock of herring and LBB gulls in the flooded grassland on the left of the path to second screen. The bird was quite active flying around from one patch to the next. 

Little egret, 1 on Ashgrave
Hobby, at least 12 over greenaways & bridleways
Gadwall, 2 m
Common tern, 2
Cuckoo, 2
Raven 1
Snipe, 1
Wheatear, 2 Ashgrave 
Pochards, 5 m 
Sandmartin, 1

(per Tom Pizzari)

Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor 22nd September
Hen Harrier (ringtail) Ashgrave 17:20   Then over the reed beds 17:40 & 18:40                                                ...

- Rspb Otmoor Webs 2nd January
Total counts from the WeBS (wetland bird survey) 2nd Januray 2013. The breakdown of numbers in each field are also shown: Teal: 834 (102 Reed bed, 96 Ashgrave, 350 Big Otmoor, 250 MOD, 14 Maltpit, 22 Flood)Pochard: 3 ReedbedWigeon: 800 (400...

- Cassington Gps 23rd August
Great white Egret  relocated at Cassington GPs by Roger Wyatt and still present at 18:00. Heading west from Oxford on the A40 take the left hand turn after the large layby (often with a burger van) on to the haul road leading to the Hanson works...

- Farmoor 23rd August
Great White Egret      From the Pink Hill hide 10:00a.m                                         ...

- Otmoor 26th February
Bittern (showing on and off from the 2nd screen all morning but no sign in the afternoon by 15:30) White-fronted Goose (on The Closes with the Greylags) Short-eared Owl Peregrine Sparrowhawk                                                       ...

