Otmoor: 9th May

Otmoor: 9th May

2 Whimbrel: Still in same place left of hide (Ashgrave.
Marsh Harrier: fem. Hunting over Greenaways and Reed bed 11:30 am.
OTHER SPECIES: Hundreds of Swifts and Hirundines moving through all morning. Swifts, Swallows and House Martins in equal numbers plus eight Sand Martins.

Peter Coombes

- Otmoor 29th May
Richard Ebbs recorded this clip of Hirundines feeding today on Otmoor.                       Between the first screen and the corner by the Popular trees.  This huge number of Hirundines...

- Rushey Common 23rd May
Cuckoo Little Egret 2 Redshank Good numbers of House Martins,Swallows & Swifts (per Clackers)...

- Otmoor 25th September
Merlin (1st screen per Andy Last) Sprawk (1st screen per Andy Last) Peregrine (per Peter Coombes) Ruff Snipe 10+ Wigeon c20 Shoveler c20 Teal c40 150+ Hirundines mostly Swallows but inc House & Sand Martins Wheatear Otmoor Birding ...

- Farmoor 9 June
Many Swifts, also Swallows, House Martins and a few Sand Martins + Common Tern Swift (c) Stephen Burch...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 30th May

