Otmoor: 9th February

Otmoor: 9th February

Male & female Pintail Otmoor courtesy of Alec Nightingale

Marsh Harrier: Female-viewed from both screens. 15:00.
4 Pintail: 1st. Screen. 16:00.

Stephen Lockey

- Farmoor Reservoir 16th February
Great Northern Diver 11:00 F2 2 Goosander: 1 Male, 1 Female. 11:30 on river Thames Stephen Lockey Pair of Goosander courtesy of Stephen Lockey ...

- Port Meadow 20th January
Male Goosander courtesy of Alec Nightingale Goosander 4 (3dk) on Thames south of the weir at Wolvercote Shelduck 2 Redshank 2 (per Alec Nightingale) Female Goosander courtesy of Alec Nightingale ...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 11th December
Otmoor: RSPB reserve 2 Dunlin: On Big Otmoor. Peregrine 5 Pintail: 3 male, 2 female on Big Otmoor. RSPB Otmoor...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 21st July
Marsh Harrier courtesey of Stephen Collier Glossy Ibis: 1st Screen-far spit. Marsh Harrier: Female. Greenshank: Big Otmoor. 3 Green Sandpiper: !st Screen and then Big Otmoor Stephen Lockey...

- Otmoor 21st December
2 Bearded Tit In front of 1st screen. 2 Hen Harrier: 1m 1f. Female over Ashgrave. Male from 2nd screen. 4 Chiffchaff 600+ Golden Plover on greenaways. 5 Stonechat Waxwing Otmoor lane. Just before Farm entrance with flock of fieldfare. 11 Pintail: male....

