Otmoor: 30th December PM

Otmoor: 30th December PM

Starling roost was a grand total of 100 birds (and that's being generous!), no sign of a big roost by 16:45.
Bittern seen flying over the reedbed,
3 Dunlin in flight with Lapwings,
3 Little Egrets,
3 Stonechat (1 male),
1 Lesser Redpoll,
1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) (per Dave Lowe),
Reed Bunting roost of 30+ birds near the 1st screen,
Pied Wagtail roost in same place as Reed Buntings,
Lapwings and Golden Plovers combined must be approaching 2000 birds.

Peregrine 2
Goldeneye (f) 2nd screen
Raven 2
Brambling poss f nr cattle pens

Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor. Pm. 29th October.
Stonechat.   3. No sign of the Great Grey Shrike. Starling roost.     Approx. 50,000 Also seen during roost; Marsh Harrier. Peregrine Falcon.   2. Sparrow Hawk. Merlin.   2. Red Kite. Buzzard. Kestrel....

- Otmoor August 28th - Evening
Marsh Harrier - male and female roosted in the reed bed Greenshank - 1 Greenaways Shelduck - 1 flying over Greenaways Yellow Wagtail - good numbers following cattle around the reserve. 55 seen going to roost Water Rail 2 Sparrowhawk 1 perched on far spit,...

- Otmoor 19th July
Bittern Otmoor 18/7 courtesey of H.Cadman Glossy Ibis came in to roost along the spit viewed from the 1st screen c20:45 Bittern showing well from the 1st screen 20:20 Little Egret 17 in roost from 1st screen Barn Owl (per Steve Roby) Seen from the bridleway...

- Otmoor Rspb Reserve 21st December
Bittern visible from the first screen until dusk. First pointed out by Ron Louch and his mates. Hen Harrier male. over the reed-bed during the Starling roost. (Steve Roby)...

Otmoor Starling (c) Derek Woodard  Starling roost again this evening c50,000 birds Hen Harrier (ringtail) Bearded Tit 5 showing well at 10:45 near the 'conservation area' sign between the two screens. Sparrowhawk 2 Brambling 3 (2m...

