Otmoor: 25th January

Otmoor: 25th January

White-fronted Goose: With Greylag Flock on Flood field.
Short-eared Owl: Hunting in front of the hide.

Joe Harris

Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor: 15th March
Otmoor Brent Goose: On Big Otmoor with Canada's. Joe Harris Otmoor: RSPB reserve Short-eared Owl Steve Goddard Otmoor Birding...

- Otmoor: 29th February
Otmoor White-fronted Goose: Northern phase of reedbed. Merlin: Male in front of hide. Peregrine: Big Otmoor. Joe Harris...

- Otmoor 28th February
White-fronted Goose (in Flood Field with Greylag flock)   Peter Law Short-eared Owl 3 Peregrine (per The Wickster)...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 7th January
Otmoor: RSPB reserve 4 Short-eared Owl Steve Roby White-fronted Goose still present over the weekend (per Otmoor Birding )...

- Otmoor 18th December
White-fronted Goose still on Ashgrave Hen Harrier (ringtail) Short-eared Owl 3+ more at  Otmoor Birding Chimney Meadows Short-eared Owl (per Antony Edwards)...

