Otmoor: 10th May

Otmoor: 10th May

2 Turtle Dove (Two flying over greenaways then along bridlepath near pumphouse).
Hobby 3
Grasshopper Warbler (car park field).

Peter Coombes

Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor 15th July
2 Green Sandpiper: On Scrape Grenaways. Raven Turtle Dove 11 Little Egret Hobby Kingfisher: Along ditch Greenaways. 2 Redshank (Peter Coombes) Otmoor Blogger Greenshank flew into hide ponds stayed 10 minutes and then flew east. 2 Turtle Dove: two flying...

- Otmoor 14th June
3 Turtle Dove: 2 along bridleway and one along Roman road. Bearded Tit (juv) between 1st and 2nd screens. 3 Lesser Whitethroat 2 Grasshopper Warbler Singing, Carpark field. Curlew 12 Little Egret: In field behind 2nd screen. 5 Grey Heron: In field behind...

- Otmoor: 30th July
Otmoor Cuckoo: juv. Spectacular views of juvenile being fed by Reed Warblers. Turtle Dove: On wires near carpark. Grasshopper Warbler Raven: Big Otmoor. Peter Coombes See also Peter's great new blog: The Otmoor Blogger Gnome...

- Otmoor: 17th July
juv Turtle Dove (c) Pete Coombes 3 Hobby Raven: On post on big Otmoor. 3 Turtle Dove: Two juveniles and one adult. On wires near cattle pen. 2 Grasshopper Warbler: One near carpark and another near feeders. Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor 26th May
3 Grasshopper Warbler (1 in carpark field. 2 near second screen). Oystercatcher: On first scrape (Big Otmoor). 10 Redshank: Unusual sighting 10 hovering together in a group, just off the ground, on big Otmoor. Garganey (Male) flying from Big Otmoor onto...

