Otmoor. 27th October.
Distant Whinchat. |
Southern Pill Ground.
One further brief sighting of Dartford Warbler reported approx.
Raven. 2. over.
Stonechat. Several.
Note; no access to Pill Ground when red flags are flying. |
Starlings at roost. |
Otmoor Reserve.
Marsh Harrier.
Water Rail.
Stonechat. 3.
Snipe. 7.
Starling Roost. 20,000. plus birds going into reedbeds.
Per. R.L. H.W. T.S.
Otmoor. Pm. 29th October.
Stonechat. 3. No sign of the Great Grey Shrike. Starling roost. Approx. 50,000 Also seen during roost; Marsh Harrier. Peregrine Falcon. 2. Sparrow Hawk. Merlin. 2. Red Kite. Buzzard. Kestrel....
Otmoor. 16th. February.
Late afternoon, when the rain finally stopped; White Fronted Geese. 3. Peregrine. 2. Marsh Harrier. 1, probably 2. Sparrow Hawk. 2 views. Snipe. ...
Otmoor.a.m. 16th October.
Bittern (per John Reynolds) ...
Radley 19th September
No further sign of the Wryneck by early evening. Stonechat along perimeter...
Otmoor. Evening.
Starling roost.First Screen. Starlings. 4000 approx. Good display. Green Sandpiper. ...