Otmoor. 20th. July.

Otmoor. 20th. July.

2 Turtle Doves.
2 Snipe (drumming)

- Otmoor: 11th June
11th June Otmoor 2 Turtle Dove: 1 purring along the lane to the car park, 2 in the car park field. 19:45. Cuckoo: heard. 19:45. 2 Redshank 19:45. Hobby 20:15. 3 Snipe: drumming. 20:15. Lia Verhoeff...

- Otmoor. Evening. 30th. May.
Turtle Dove 3. Turtle Doves.5. Little Egret.Hobby.3. Cuckoos.5. Drumming Snipe.                            ...

- Otmoor.a.m. 21st May.
2 pairs of Turtle Doves. Linnet. Glossy Ibis 3 Snipe (drumming). 5+ Hobby. 1 Oystercatcher. 6 Little Egret. Pair of G.C.Grebes + 3 Chicks. 4 Common Terns. 2 Raven. 4+ Cuckoo.....

Otmoor Snipe drumming (c) P.Barker more at http://www.surfbirds.com/blog/OtmoorBirding Male Snipe have a drumming display in which they circle high on rapid, clipped wingbeats then dive at a steep angle with outer tail feathers held out at almost a...

- Otmoor.a.m. 7th June.
1 Curlew 1 Snipe (drumming) 1 Raven 3 Hobby 1 L.R.Plover 1 Turtle Dove 4 Redshank...

