OOS Indoor Meeting at Stratfield Brake.

OOS Indoor Meeting at Stratfield Brake.

Wednesday 10th October 2012 at 7.45pm.
BTO Birdtracking - Migration and technology by Nick Moran.
Nick is the organiser of Birdtrack, the BTOs free online system for birdwatchers to analyse their records. His role includes the day to day running of Birdtrack, assisting and corresponding with county recorders and increasing participation in Birdtrack. He is particularly interested in how the data can be used for conservation and how it illustrates changes in population and migration timing.
Members free a donation (£2 suggested) from non-members is appreciated.
Any questions ? please call Barry Hudson (secretary) 01993 852028.

- Oos Talk 'oxfordshire A World Of Gulls' - Tuesday 8th May
Ian 'gull whisperer' Lewington is giving a talk to the OOS this Tuesday entitled "Oxfordshire - A World Of Gulls'' Lew has been at the forefront of Gull identification in the UK with a particular passion for Caspian Gulls (and...

- Tonght! Oxford Ornithological Society Tuesday 10th April
 ''Do it yourself Namibia'' (Sand, Sea, Swamps, Specials and a Head of State) by Peter Barker. Africa does not have to be an expensive, organised and fully guided trip. Using the internet and some excellent guide books it...

- Tonight! Wildlife Filming - Manuel Hinge
A talk by Manuel Hinge for the Oxford Ornithological Society. Wednesday 8th February 2012 7.45pm at Stratfield Brake Kidlington all welcome - non members are invited to make a donation £2 suggested. See Forthcoming Talks page for details...

- Bernard Tucker Memorial Lecture.
Monday 7Th.November 7.45Pm. Exeter Hall Kidlington. Oxford Ornithological Society and The Ashmolean Natural History Society jointly present a talk by Nigel Collar 'A Species Is What I Say It Is' We are fortunate to have this outstanding avian...

- Oxford Ornithological Society
Important Notice, Our usual venue at Stratfield Brake Kidlington is unavailable for our next indoor meeting and has been transferred to Exeter Hall Kidlington. Date & time remain the same ie. Wednesday 12th January 2011 at 7.45 pm . Steve Lovell will...

