Not Quite Oxon (Streatley)

Not Quite Oxon (Streatley)

tristis type Chiffchaff at Streatley

If the tristis Chiffchaff at Abingdon is proving tricky to view through the fence there are two other, much more showy non collybita birds at Streatley Treatment Works (100m north of the church). Unfortunately this is about 150yds into Berkshire. Yesterday there were 5 Chiffchaffs present, 3 nominate (one tailess) and the two tristis. To me they tick all the boxes, particularly one of them, with the other towards the striking abietinus end of the range but still ok I think. The best thing, however, was at one point when they were together one or both (it was difficult to tell) had a period of repeated calling - perfect tristis! Their appearance metamorphosed greatly depending on the light. The pics above are of the same abietinus like bird. 

- Abingdon Sewage Farm 26th November
Siberian Chiffchaff 1 Common Chiffchaff 10+                                                  ...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 18th January
Willow Tit Siberian Chiffchaff - heard well calling several times - like collybita! but apparently this doesn't mean it's not tristis 2+ Common Chiffchaff More on Grimsbury Birds ...

- Radley 19th September
No further sign of the Wryneck by early evening.                                                    Stonechat along perimeter...

- Farmoor 23rd August
Great White Egret      From the Pink Hill hide 10:00a.m                                         ...

- Great Grey Shrike At Little Stoke
I've just received a photo of a Great Grey Shrike taken on Thursday 9th Feb at Little Stoke, near Goring South Oxon. It was near an area where hedge laying was taking place. Also, yesterday, at least 10 Chichaffs at Abingdon sewage works including...

