North Newington: 16th May

North Newington: 16th May

North Newington
Spotted Flycatcher: Claydon Hill Covert.

Mark Ribbons

- Balscote: Balscote Quarry: 27th August
Balscote: Balscote Quarry Whinchat Green Sandpiper: 2 recorded in log book. Common Sandpiper: Recorded in logbook. Balscote: Balscote Mill 2 Spotted Flycatcher: By pond along the path Balscote & Wroxton Mill. 2 Redstart: m&f. In hedges along the path...

- North Newington: 22nd May
North Newington Cuckoo Michael Hunt...

- North Newington: 12th January
North Newington 9 Waxwing: With many thanks to Michael Hunt and Mr and Mrs Tapper. Observed for 1 hour before flew SE toward Banbury. Stephen Akers...

- North Newington 12th January
9 Waxwing North Newington feeding on Sorbus berries per mr & mrs Tapper. Michael Hunt...

- North Newington: 9th May
North Newington Cuckoo: calling. Michael Hunt...

