Nightingale 14th April

Nightingale 14th April

1 Heard singing in Upper Arncott this evening.
1 Heard Singing in Piddingon (per Colin O)

- Kennington Spotted Crake
It's singing again this evening & can be heard from the end of Heyford Hill Lane in Sandford-on-Thames or from the Kennington side Gnome & Steve Roby Some video of it singing (c) Gnome...

- Radley Lakes: 16th April
Nightingale-1 singing Blackcap- 13 singing Willow warbler- 12 singing Chiffchaff- 9 singing Sedge warbler- 1 singing Cetti's warbler- 1 singing Tufted duck- 92 Shoveler- 11 Kingfisher- 1 Little grebe- 2 ...

- Abingdon Sewage Farm: 22nd January
Siberian Chiffchaff Possibly 2. One brilliant grey and white bird that called several times. A second good looking pale bird seen briefly, but did not call. 15 Chiffchaff: At least 15 seen (several singing), with a few more heard singing in the distance....

- Nightingale 22nd April
1-2 singing on MOD land in Upper Arncott. W P Bull...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 15th March
Grimsbury Reservoir Redshank 3 Chiffchaff: 2 singing. Redwing: Singing. First time I've ever heard one singing. Gareth Blockley...

