New Oxon Going Birding Service

New Oxon Going Birding Service

The new Oxon Going Birding service is in the final stages of testing now and we're looking for more people to sign up to test it. The actual Going Birding part for logging sightings is tried and tested and has been used by several other counties for several years but we'd like to test the interaction between Going Birding and the blog as there is some optional automatic blog posting functionality within the service. It's strongly recommended that you read the Help section about how this works before using it for the first time.

Sightings logged on Going Birding will be automatically exported to the OOS database at the end of the month so you may well choose to use this service from now on for getting your sightings into the OOS database.

- Editorial Policy On Oxon Birding Blog
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- A Plea To Observers And Submitters
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- Going Birding Is Now Live!
Just to let everyone know that the Going Birding site is now officially live and anyone who wants to can sign up and use it. All sightings will be forwarded to the OOS database at the end of the month so if you've got any sightings for February that...

- Welcome!
Welcome to the new fledgling Oxon Bird Log. The idea is to be a central focal point for Oxon birding sightings and news. This blog is a multi-contributor blog though at present blogging access is by invitation only....

- Blogging Help
Most of the blogging should be fairly straight-forward so below are some useful pointers to help with blogging. Posting via "Going Birding" When using the Going Birding service, for each sighting there is a "Post to Blog" tick box option. This will by...

