Moulsford 12th November

Moulsford 12th November

A329 nr Moulsford
8 Grey Partridge: 8+ birds flew from track alongside railway to centre of field opposite 'Little Willows' nursery. Flew too quickly in two groups to make a perfect count. SU592854. 14:20.

Mike Amphlett

- Moulsford 29th October
A329 nr Moulsford 12 Grey Partridge: 12, poss 14, 'exploded' and flew from the edge of the stubble field nr Waterloo bridge. SU591853. 10:00. Mike Amphlett...

- : 4th June
Cholsey 2 Grey Partridge: My whippet flushed a pair from edge of cereal field adjacent A329. So nice to see them. SU592858. 17:00. Mike Amphlett...

- Moulsford 22nd May
A329 nr Moulsford Corn Bunting: Male heard calling nr Silly Bridge. Prob on fence line from there to Cholsey station. Not often heard here. SU5885. 09:45. Mike Amphlett...

- Moulsford 17th May
River Thames nr Moulsford Cuckoo: Particularly vocal male calling between S side of Chosley Marsh and as far as 4-Arches bridge; seen perched in tall willows on the island nr bridge. SU5985. 10:30. Mike Amphlett...

- Moulsford 15th September
A329 nr Moulsford 2 Raven: Flying N over fields adjacent R. Thames - seen a couple of times prev - distant, but got a good look this time and confirmed. Tumbling around as they flew, not uttering the usual 'kronk', but a lighter, more crow like...

