More on the Dix Great White Egret

More on the Dix Great White Egret

I got this e-mail from Mick Cunningham, a visiting birder from Yorkshire.

"...It was me who had the Great White Egret (it wasn’t strictly over Dix). I’m visiting my daughter in Witney. I was driving away from Dix towards Witney/Ducklington when saw bird in flight c12.15ish. Followed it in car and I got out of car at entrance to West Oxon sailing club - had it in bins but it kept going and I had to move as blocking an entrance, Bill colour, huge goiter neck, long, long legs with huge feet á lá Purple and sedate/heron wing action. Have some field notes. I assumed it’d be rare in Oxon. ... If you can get me a recorder’s address I’ll submit it. I’ve seen 1000s over the years but I know they’re a pig to assess from descriptions (I’m on Yorkshire rarities cmtee so boot’s been on other foot.)"

- Otmoor 22nd April
2 Common Cranes Otmoor. Landed in field north of rifle butts briefly before flying low east at 09:45. They are colour ringed on right legs: from top - Yellow White Blue and 2nd bird, green white Blue. Both have transmitters on left leg. Also Cuckoo,...

- Twenty Glorious Years!
Our esteemed County Recorder Ian Lewington has notched up an amazing twenty years in his post now. In recognition of his great service to the county he was given a small token of our collective appreciation at the OOS talk this evening. Long may he continue!...

- Farmoor F2 Basin 5.15 - 7.00pm
Med Gull 1 adult (Nick Hallam & Dai) Little Gull 2 adult keeping to south and 2 adult keeping to west (all non-hooded) Sand Martin 1 Wheatear 1 male SW corner Rock Pipit 2 (Dai). The 1 bird I checked was littoralis; again at south end Herring Gull(?)...

- Henley Rd Gp's 12th March
Great White Egret Henley Rd GP's on island on Heron Lake then flew west towards Sonning Eye GP's at 13:08 (per Lew) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Field Craft At The Spit Pit, Appleford
With regard to viewing Gulls at Appleford, can I implore anyone visiting the site to please stay in their cars. The Gulls are skittish enough without birders adding to the angst of their screwed up minds. After all, they have to cope with the sad antics...

