Missing Red tailed Hawk

Missing Red tailed Hawk

I was wondering if you could help us…
We are looking for a Bird of prey that has gone missing in the oxford area.
The bird in question is an American Red Tailed Hawk.
The bird was last seen in the Woodeaton area at Sescut Farm on Sunday.
He’s easily identified if nothing else than by the leather straps that are attached to his legs.He’s similar in size to a female common buzzard but with a red tail.
I don’t know if there is any way that your site can help it would be great.

If anyone has any news or sightings of the Red tail please call Adam Bloch on 07703532828
or email him at adam@bloch.com  

- Otmoor. Pm. 29th October.
Stonechat.   3. No sign of the Great Grey Shrike. Starling roost.     Approx. 50,000 Also seen during roost; Marsh Harrier. Peregrine Falcon.   2. Sparrow Hawk. Merlin.   2. Red Kite. Buzzard. Kestrel....

- Otmoor. 16th. February.
Late afternoon, when the rain finally stopped; White Fronted Geese.   3. Peregrine.      2. Marsh Harrier.     1, probably 2. Sparrow Hawk.    2 views. Snipe.    ...

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- Farmoor 23rd August
Great White Egret      From the Pink Hill hide 10:00a.m                                         ...

- New Farmoor Blog
The Insomniac Birder ''Mainly a blog of my bird sightings and photographs taken on my early morning walks around Farmoor Reservoir''                                                                        ...

