Milton (Banbury): 3rd August

Milton (Banbury): 3rd August

Milton (Banbury)
Peregrine: over the road from Bloxham looked to be heading to the airfield.

Michael Hunt

- Banbury: 13th January
Banbury Peregrine: A male. Michael Hunt...

- Banbury: 22nd December
Banbury 2 Raven: Over Broughton rd. Michael Hunt...

- North Newington: 12th January
North Newington 9 Waxwing: With many thanks to Michael Hunt and Mr and Mrs Tapper. Observed for 1 hour before flew SE toward Banbury. Stephen Akers...

- Quail 14th June
1ml NNE.of Burford, south of Milton Downs Farm Quail (male) calling from cereal fields around small wood along minor road between Downs Lodge and Milton Downs Farm. SP264152. Dave Morgan...

- 12th December: Banbury Waxwings
30 waxwings on TV aerial in Cedar Close, Banbury (per Wayne Bull) 20+ Waxwings Banbury at Timms Road/Grange Road at 11.50am (per R.B.A) 5 Waxwings SE of Banbury at Bodicote on Molyneux Road at 12.05 then flushed (per R.B.A/Oxonbirds) Banbury Waxwing...

