Merry Christmas from the Oxon Bird Log

Merry Christmas from the Oxon Bird Log

Jason and Adam both wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Bird-filled New Year!

 Well Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without a good yarn or two now would it?So, a few well known faces on the Oxon birding scene have very kindly agreed to to tell us a story. The third and final tale in our Christmas trilogy...

 Well Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without a good yarn or two now would it?So, a few well known faces on the Oxon birding scene have very kindly agreed to tell us a story. The second tale in our Christmas trilogy is read by Ewan...

  Well Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without a good yarn or two now would it?So, a few well known faces from the Oxon birding scene have very kindly agreed to tell us a tale.The first story from our Christmas...

- Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from Gnome & Badger at the Oxon Bird Log! Thanks to all our contributors for making the blog such a great success, it's far exceeded our expectations in every way. We hope that you have a great Christmas and a bird-filled New...

- Punks
I am attempting to post on the blog and to this end I will upload a couple of photos I snapped tuesday of the Aston Waxwings. This follows several unsuccessful attempts to use the blog and after telling i've published successfully the post disappears...

