Marcham: Marcham Warren: 4th February

Marcham: Marcham Warren: 4th February

Marcham: Marcham Warren
2 Raven: Cronking & harassing a Buzzard.

Jed Cleeter

- Marcham: Denman College: 31st January
Marcham: Denman College 200 Siskin: c200+ Incredible noise and sight. Biggest flock I've ever seen by far. Jed Cleeter...

- Editorial Policy On Oxon Birding Blog
In the light of the number of comments on the recent Marcham Garden posting we (Badger & Gnome) reluctantly feel that we need to step in to state the official position of Oxon Birding. It was originally set up due to dis-satisfaction with the available...

- Marcham Wednesday 20th
Actively feeding in open field, alongside east of road immediately due north of Marcham, near Abingdon. Fieldfare c400 Redwing c200 Starling c100 Wintering male blackcap back in garden last few days feeding on Ivy berries and fat balls. ...

- Marcham: 23rd April
Marcham Grasshopper Warbler: Not present yesterday. SU460969. Mike Youngman...

- Goingbirding: 26th February
Marcham Brambling: male. on garden feeded. Mike Youngman ...

