Lower Radley 18th Feb

Lower Radley 18th Feb

Whooper Swan 2 adults still present in field North of Radley College Boatyard c16:20 (per Phil Barnett)

- Lower Radley 18th March
Whooper Swan 2 still just north of Radley College Boathouse c12:38 (per Phil Barnett)...

- Lower Radley 7th March
Whooper Swan 2 ad still just north of Radley College Boathouse this morning (per Phil Barnett)...

- Lower Radley 28th January
Whooper Swan 2 still in field to the north of Radley College Boatyard 10:20 (per RBA)...

- Lower Radley 14th January
Whooper Swan (2 adults) c14:15 in field adjacent to the Thames just north of Radley College Boathouse. (per Phil Barnett)...

- Lower Radley 7th January
Whooper Swan 2 still present this morning along Thames North of Radley College Boathouse. (per Ben Carpenter & Phil Barnett)...

