Lockinge: 2nd September

Lockinge: 2nd September

Spotted Flycatcher: Still one about, at N end of main lake.

Leo Bateman

- Lockinge: Lockinge Lake: 27th November
Lockinge: Lockinge Lake Raven Leo Bateman...

- Lockinge: 21st September
21st September Lockinge 2 Raven Wantage: Lark Hill Marsh Harrier: fem. Drifting east. 3 Whinchat 13 Wheatear 2 Stonechat: fem. Hobby: juv. Leo Bateman...

- Lockinge: 30th August
Lockinge 5 Spotted Flycatcher: 2 ad, 3 juv. Leo Bateman...

- Lockinge: 12th August
Lockinge Spotted Flycatcher: Tagging along with a loose flocks of tits and 4-5 Chiffchaffs. Leo Bateman...

- Lockinge: 14th July
Hawfinch Flying between trees along main road through Lockinge, moving north. Also heard calling. SU424877. Leo Bateman...

