Kingston Bagpuize: 2nd June

Kingston Bagpuize: 2nd June

Kingston Bagpuize
2 Grey Partridge: Millennium Park.

Jed Cleeter

- Kingston Bagpuize: 27th October
Kingston Bagpuize 5 Brambling: Flew W with Fieldfare & Redwings. 07:30. Jed Cleeter...

- Kingston Bagpuize: 7th August
Kingston Bagpuize 3 Common Crossbill: Flew NW calling. 09:25. Jed Cleeter...

- Kingston Bagpuize: 9th July
Kingston Bagpuize OTHER SPECIES: Hummingbird Hawk Moth. Jed Cleeter...

- Kingston Bagpuize: Church: 2nd June
Kingston Bagpuize: Church Hobby: Stooped on Hirundines. 15:20. Jed Cleeter...

- Kingston Bagpuize: 22nd March
Kingston Bagpuize Yellow Wagtail: High NE and calling. 09:45. Jed Cleeter...

