Kidlington: Elsevier Science: 8th May

Kidlington: Elsevier Science: 8th May

Kidlington: Elsevier Science
2 Mistle Thrush: m & f. A pair of Mistle Thrushes nested on a windowsill behind a drainpipe in the 2nd floor of the West Courtyard last year and are back again.

Joanna & Steve Harding-Taylor

- Churn 29th July
Red-backed Shrike Churn 29th July Please view at 720p HD Red-backed Shrike (f) still at Churn adjacent to the old field study centre at 16:15 (per The Law & Camboy) SU.521.827 Please park near railway bridge and walk along concrete road. Quail...

- Kidlington: 29th January
Kidlington 2 Woodcock: A pair flew over Freeze Way Kidlington. 17:27. Jason Coppock...

- Abingdon 30th October
Waxwing 2 flew over the Sophos building on Abingdon Science Park heading towards the east side of Abingdon at 15:15 also a single bird opposite Nord Gear again on the Science Park briefly at 16:15 but no sign since. (per Trevor Lincs birder)...

- : 8th May
Witney Cuckoo: This cuckoo has been heard calling in the evening for the last 4 days. SP3563. Joanna & Steve Harding-Taylor...

- Shotover A.m. 24th February.
4 mistle thrush 4 song thrush 3 g. s. woodpecker 2 green woodpecker 3 treecreeper 2 jays 10 l t tits 1 kite 2 buzzard...

