Is this Another Dutchman Wintering in the UK?

In-between finding white winged gulls, Badger has turned to searching for colour gull rings to read; An infinitely more challenging and rewarding undertaking. When he told me he had found one with the letters ANS (so soon after M.AAK), I thought he was taking the proverbial, as everyone knows this is the acronym for the Abingdon Naturalists’ Society, named after his home town.
Seemingly not; Peter Stewart has confirmed this is one of ‘his' gulls, many of which have gone wandering (some even back to Continental Europe) and the increased readings whilst gulls stand on frozen waters. The gull would have originally been caught at Stoke Orchard, amongst the fresh refuse, using a Canon Net…. Ah.. such happy memories…
The Severn Estuary Gull Group - Recapture History
Lesser Black-backed Gull Ring number FP 86626 Blue ANS [Adult]
05/02/07 Stoke Orchard landfill site, Gloucestershire (Caught/ringed)
3/01/08 Grundons landfill site, Gloucestershire (2 km, N 332 days)
17/12/08 Grundons landfill site, Gloucestershire (1 yr 316days)
01/12/09 Gloucester landfill site, Gloucestershire (16 km, SW, 2 yrs
15/12/09 Grundons landfill site, Gloucestershire (2 yrs 313days)
03/12/10 Priorslee Lake, Telford, Salop (86 km, NNW 3 yrs 301days)
05/01/11 Didcot, Oxfordshire (69 km ESE, 3 yrs 334days)
Then on Saturday 8th at Radley, Badger is seeing another blue ring with a definite ‘J’ on it. So now it appears he thinks the gulls are being named after him!
As well as allegedly spreading Bovine TB; at least one Badger is definitely carrying the highly contagious gull addiction virus.
Didcot Landfill: 27th Febraury
Only c.100 Gulls on site - no general access Caspian Gull 1 4th w/ad. Yellow ringed (PKXS), presumed Polish origin. Awaiting details. Y-l Gull 2nd w GBbGull 6 ...
Didcot Landfill - 28th November
Didcot Landfill (no general access): Caspian Gull 2nd winter Yellow-legged Gull 5 Raven 1 ...
Appleford Spit Pit 3.05-4.20pm 15th Jan
Glaucous Gull 1 1stW seen feeding at tip, washing in pit and flew off alone to the fields by village at 4.04pm. Common Gull 5 Lapwing 9 c300 B-h Gulls probably outnumbered all other gulls combined. A marked decrease on recent visits and all present could...
Field Craft At The Spit Pit, Appleford
With regard to viewing Gulls at Appleford, can I implore anyone visiting the site to please stay in their cars. The Gulls are skittish enough without birders adding to the angst of their screwed up minds. After all, they have to cope with the sad antics...
Radley Lakes
Radley Lakes (c) Radley Village web-site KeyE: Thrupp LakeF: Bullfield Lake or "the fishing lake" G: The Ash PitL: Longmead Lake M: Orchard Lake Thrupp Lake is good for wintering waterfowl, including Smew occasionally & roosting gulls The Ash Pit...