Iffley Meadows 12th Jan

Iffley Meadows 12th Jan

2 Heron
1 Cormorant
1 Kestral
3 Buzzard
2 Red Kite
1 Water Rail
1 Snipe
18 Meadow Pipit
16 Redwing
1 Siskin


- Iffley Meadows 5th Jan
2 Jack Snipe 16 Snipe 2 Cormorant 1 Kestrel 1 Buzzard 1 Water Rail (calling) 8 Meadow Pipit 15+ Redwing 1 Bullfinch ...

- Iffley Meadows 10th January
1 Heron 5 Cormorant 2 Kestrel 104 Snipe 4 Jack Snipe 20 + B H Gull 2 LBB Gull 18 Meadow Pipit 1 Stonechat ♀ 70+ Redwing 3 Siskin 1 Reed Bunting W.P.Bull c300 Snipe and 1 Jack Snipe nr South Moreton 9th Jan (per The Wyatts)...

- Radley Gravel Pits/lakes 8th January
3 Little grebe Mallard,Wigeon,Teal,Gadwall,Pochard,Shoveler,Tufted duck 1 ♂ Pintail 4 Buzzard 2 Red Kite 4 Water rail 1 Snipe 1 Marsh tit 4 Siskin W P Bull...

- Radley Gravel Pits/lakes March 14th
Mallard,Tufted Duck,Pochard,Gadwall,Shoveler, 3 Little Grebe 18 Cormorant 5 Grey Heron 40+ Teal 1 Goldeneye (f) 2 Red Kite 6 Buzzard 1 Sparrowhawk (m) 1 Peregrine Falcon (m) 2 Oystercatcher 1 Ringed Plover 1 Redshank 9 Snipe 3 Green Sandpiper 3 Common...

- Radley Gravel Pits/lakes 13th Jan

