Iffley: Wet Wood: 26th January

Iffley: Wet Wood: 26th January

Iffley: Wet Wood
Cetti's Warbler: heard from Thames path near Hinksey stream.

Iain Dykes

- Iffley: Iffley Meadows: 6th June
Iffley: Iffley Meadows 2 Cuckoo 11:00. James Evry...

- Abingdon: Wood Warbler
Ben Carpenter has found a Wood Warbler in Barton Fields, Abingdon by the Thames (between Barton Lane and the river) at 7am. "It was just a bit beyond Barton Fields along the Thames Path to the east; at grid reference SU51299704 (at the end of the long...

- Iffley: Iffley Meadows: 1st March
Iffley: Iffley Meadows 3 Jack Snipe: Flushed. Alex Martin...

- Iffley: Iffley Meadows: 29th January
Iffley: Iffley Meadows Jack Snipe Peter Law...

- Iffley: Iffley Meadows: 12th January
Iffley: Iffley Meadows Jack Snipe Mark Merritt...

