Henley Road GPs: 10th March

Henley Road GPs: 10th March

Henley Road GPs
2 Goosander: m+rh.
Red-breasted Merganser: 1w drk. Present for it's 64th day. Now showing some black on the head so it's actually a first-winter male and not a female as previously reported!.

Sonning Eye GPs
Scaup: drk.
Smew: rh.

Marek Walford

- Sonning Eye Gps: 16th March
Sonning Eye GPs 3 Smew: 1drk+2rh. Henley Road GPs Red-breasted Merganser: 1w drk. 7 Goosander: 5m+2rh. Smew: rh. Shelduck: drk. Marek Walford...

- Sonning Eye Gps: 23rd February
Sonning Eye GPs Scaup: drk. Henley Road GPs Red-breasted Merganser: f. 3 Goosander: 2m+1rh. Mediterranean Gull: ad. On the jetski pit at dusk. Marek Walford...

- Henley Road Gps: 10th February
Henley Road GPs Red-crested Pochard: fem. Smew: rh. Sonning Eye GPs Smew: rh. 2 Goosander: 1m+1rh. Red-breasted Merganser: fem. Marek Walford...

- Sonning Eye Gps: 19th January
Sonning Eye GPs Red-breasted Merganser: fem. Still present but now on the water ski lake. Access from Henley Road. 2 Goosander: m+f. Water ski lake. Smew: drk. Water ski lake. Smew: rh. Henley Road GPs 2 Red-crested Pochard: m+f. Shelduck: fem. ...

- Henley Road Gps: 6th January
Henley Road GPs Red-breasted Merganser: fem. On the lake to the right of the access road off Henley Road. Goosander: rh. Smew: rh. Marek Walford...

