Harris Hawk

Brian Wyatt has just seen the Harris Hawk at Cholsey Marsh. 19:30
photo (c) P.Chandler taken earlier this year.
Cholsey 20th January No Sign Of Shrike!
No sign of Great Grey Shrike from Cholsey side of the Thames in 2 hours. Siskin, Lesser Redpoll, Common Snipe etc. Roger & Brian Wyatt out on Stoke side of river looking. more later @
Devil's Punchbowl 14th October
Buzzards & Kite (c) Peter LawMerlin 2 m (f per Leo Bateman) Kestrel 4 Sprawk 1 Buzzard 4+ Red Kite 8 Harris Hawk 1 Linnet 300+ Redpoll Brambling (Gramp's Hill car park per L.B) Skylark 20+ Meadow Pipit 20+ Stonechat 2 (per Leo Bateman) Devil's...
Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve: 17th November
Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve 50 Corn Bunting: Around 50 coming to roost on the marsh at the moment. 2 Water Rail Cholsey 2 Woodcock: Lollingdon, flushed by 2 falconers with a Harris Hawk. Paul Chandler Cholsey Wildlife...
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 25th October
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 4 Wheatear: , no sign of BlackRed. 2 Buzzard 9 Grey Partridge Paul Chandler
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 14th September
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 8 Corn Bunting: flew towards cholsey downs. Whinchat 2 Raven Peregrine Paul Chandler