Hanwell: Hanwell Fields: 23rd December

Hanwell: Hanwell Fields: 23rd December

Hanwell: Hanwell Fields
2 Stonechat: pair.

Gareth Blockley

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 11th March
Grimsbury Reservoir Chiffchaff Banbury 2 Chiffchaff: 1 singing. Along the Banbury Fringe Walk, between the Beaumont Ind. Estate and Hanwell Fields. Gareth Blockley...

- Hanwell: 9th July
Hanwell 2 Spotted Flycatcher: pair. breeding pair at the church. flycatching in churchyard. Gareth Blockley...

- Spotted Flycatchers In The North
Reported yesterday on Banburybirds Yahoo group: Pair at Glyn Davies Wood (eastern end of reserve) per Mike Lewis Pair at Hanwell Church / Castle Gardens. Also just out of county a pair at Farnborough Lake car park per Tony Clark...

- Hanwell: Hanwell Fields: 23rd January
Hanwell: Hanwell Fields 2 Waxwing: On Dukes Meadow Drive today opposite roundabout with Usher Drive. Very approachable and competiting for food with Fieldfares. Mark Ribbons...

- Banbury: Hanwell Fields: 14th January
Banbury: Hanwell Fields 3 Waxwing: On Dukes Meadow Drive by Angelica Close @15:00. Nick Suckling...

