Grimsbury Reservoir 31st October

Grimsbury Reservoir 31st October

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Black Redstart still present in water treatment works compound 14:30 (per Gareth Blockley)

Grimsbury Birds

Courtesy of Kyle Smith

- Grimsbury Reservoir 1st November
No sign of 1stw Black Redstart within the water treatment compound by 10:00. But Willow Tit in the wood. (per Gareth et al)...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 8th January
Grimsbury Reservoir Goosander: drk. 2 Chiffchaff: Including the Siberian type. Gareth Blockley More at Grimsbury Birds...

- Grimsbury Reservoir 12th November
Black Redstart Still at water treatment works 15:20 but very mobile (per Gareth Blockley & Justin Taylor) Goring 2 Peregrine: Flew over east at 10:50. Picture courtesy of John-friendship-Taylor...

- Grimsbury Reservoir 10th Nov
Black Redstart on water treatment works 11:52 ( per Gareth Blockley)....

- Farmoor 21st March
Black Redstart still along the causeway near the sailing huts 13:53 + Little Gull (per Justin) At water treatment works 11.30-12.30 near ivy by featherboard fence + rooftops - wide ranging but calling at times. (J Dexter) still present on causeway near...

