Grimsbury Reservoir: 6th June

Grimsbury Reservoir: 6th June

Grimsbury Reservoir
2 Common Tern: Flew through north then fishing along the canal. Late migrants? Possibly displaced breeding pair from heavy rain?.

Gareth Blockley

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 16th April
Grimsbury Reservoir 6 Common Sandpiper: 3 flew north. 3 Little Ringed Plover: 2 flew north. 3 Sedge Warbler: Singing males. Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 4th May
Grimsbury Reservoir 2 Common Tern 7 Swift Upper Cherwell Valley 2 Curlew 2 Yellow Wagtail 5 Swift: Possibly some of the same birds that were over the reservoir. Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 10th January
Grimsbury Reservoir 3 Goosander: 2 drk. 2 Lesser Redpoll: One ringed bird (couldn't get ring details). 19 Snipe: In wet field to NW of reservoir. 22 Lapwing: In flooded fields north of reservoir. 32 Wigeon: In flooded fields north of reservoir. 13...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 3rd December
Grimsbury Reservoir Green Sandpiper: On River Cherwell just north of reservoir. 7 Common Gull 170 Pied Wagtail: c.170 flew over south at dusk in several groups, probably going to a roost somewhere in town. Gareth Blockley...

- Goingbirding: 7th April
Grimsbury Reservoir 3 Common Sandpiper Only untill c. 07:55 but didn't see them leave. White Wagtail: m. Wheatear: m. 6 Chiffchaff: m. Singing. Only at reservoir, not including wood or surrounds. 5 Blackcap: m. Singing. Only at reservoir not in...

