Grimsbury Reservoir: 26th December

Grimsbury Reservoir: 26th December

Little Egret - north of the wood in river/flooded fields area
2 Little Owls
181 Canada Geese

(per Clive Payne)

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 03rd April
I've been away for a week so nice to see some signs of spring 'up north' 1 Little Ringed Plover (flew off north at c.11:30) is number 70 for the year list 1 White Wagtail with c.20 Pied Wags and 5 + Meadow Pipits 1 Reed Bunting singing 4 Tufted...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 23rd December
Goosander (per Clive Payne) - quite an uncommon bird here and number 107 for the year, will it be the last edition for the year? Tufted Duck (5 - 3 drakes) Peregrine Falcon (per Clive Payne) Sparrowhawk (male) Little Owl (2) - a patch tick for...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 2nd September
Grimsbury Reservoir 2 Redstart: 1 female (also seen by Clive Payne) at northern end of cattle field seen on fence and along ditch but disapears into wood when disturbed. 1 male (seen by CP) in scrub between the res and the wood. Lapwing: Flew over west....

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 5th May
Grimsbury Reservoir Arctic Tern: Through north. 18 Swift: Through north. 4 Yellow Wagtail: Individuals, over north. Common Sandpiper: and possibly a second or the same one on flooded fields north of the res. 12 Whitethroat Hobby: Over fields north...

- Banbury: 13th March
Banbury Goosander: On the River Chewell this morning, in section through Spiceball Park (per Clive Payne). Grimsbury Reservoir Dunlin: Found this morning by Clive Payne, still present at lunch time. 4 Tufted Duck: 4drakes. Will there be 8 tomorrow?!....

