Grimsbury Reservoir: 25th January

Grimsbury Reservoir: 25th January

Siberian Chiffchaff
Willow Tit
Red Kite
and 2 Otters!

(per Colin Wilkinson)

Grimsbury Birds

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 11th February
Grimsbury Reservoir 2 Shelduck: Flew off west. Willow Tit: Along the river just before the wood. Chiffchaff: Along the river. Goosander: redhead. Gareth Blockley Grimsbury Birds...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 04th January
Willow Tit Siberian Chiffchaff 2 Common Chiffchaff 2 Goosander (over north) Grimsbury Birds...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 27th January
Willow Tit Siberian Chiffchaff 2 Chiffchaff 7 Wigeon (over) c.100 Lapwing (over U.C.V.) More at Grimsbury Birds ...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 24th January
Siberian Chiffchaff - fairly elusive today 2 Common Chiffchaff Raven - over Grimsbury Birds...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 13th January
2 Goosanders Siberian Chiffchaff Common Chiffchaff (per John Friendship-Taylor) Grimsbury Birds...

