Grimsbury Reservoir: 18th April

Grimsbury Reservoir: 18th April

Grimsbury Reservoir
3 Arctic Tern: Two this evening, which both left around 19:30. Then another dropped in just after 20:00. Maybe a sign that several have passed through during the day?.
Little Egret: Flew over south west towards town.

Gareth Blockley

Also worth noting - everything (e.g. hirundines and wagtails) had also cleared out by 19:30

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 12th May
Little Tern: 06:53, just dropped in briefly and flew off north west!. Arctic Tern: Flew north at c. 12:50. Found by JFT. Gareth Blockley More on Grimsbury Birds...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 5th November
Grimsbury Reservoir Peregrine: juv. Probably female based on size. Stooped 4 times at Wood Pigeons going to roost in the wood, unsuccessfully. Flew off north but seen later going back south towards town. Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 30th September
Grimsbury Reservoir Peregrine: Hunting over the back fields. Seen heading off south west. 4 Jay: 1 in the wood and 3 high over north west. 15 Meadow Pipit: 15+ over south east. 16 Swallow: over south. 3 Grey Wagtail 25 Siskin: c.15 in the wood and...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 27th May
Grimsbury Reservoir 5 Little Egret: Flew from the pool created from the flood alleviation work just north of the reservoir (per Clive P). Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 14th February
Grimsbury Reservoir Merlin: Through over cattle fields soon after first light and away over town south. Species number 57 at the reservoir for the year. Willow Tit: In the wood with tit flock. Gareth Blockley...

