Grimsbury Reservoir: 13th September

Grimsbury Reservoir: 13th September

Grimsbury Reservoir
Mediterranean Gull: 1w.
Common Tern
2 Common Sandpiper

Gareth Blockley

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 15th August
Grimsbury Reservoir Peregrine Little Egret: adult. Little Ringed Plover: juvenile. 2 Common Gull: adults. 90 Lesser Black-backed Gull: c. 90 (30 Reservoir / 60 Storagebase roof). Curlew Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 7th August
Grimsbury Reservoir Mediterranean Gull: Juvenile briefly at c.19:30. A different bird to this morning with less advanced moult/new scapulars. 3 Common Sandpiper 3 Swift Upper Cherwell Valley Spotted Flycatcher Snipe Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 18th July
Grimsbury Reservoir Little Egret: Juvenile. 2 Common Sandpiper 2 Common Tern Yellow Wagtail Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 25th April
Grimsbury Reservoir 2 Shelduck: pair. 2 Arctic Tern 3 Little Gull: 2 ads, 1 1st yr. 9 Common Tern 2 White Wagtail 2 Wheatear 70 Swallow: 70 +. 7 House Martin Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 10th September
Grimsbury Reservoir 5 Dunlin: 2 ad + 3 juv. Ringed Plover: juv. Common Tern: ad. 2 Herring Gull: ad + juv. fairly uncommon here!. Gareth Blockley...

