Grimsbury Reservoir: 11th April

Grimsbury Reservoir: 11th April

Common Sandpiper
8+ Willow Warblers
3 House Martin
c.40 Swallow
c.20 Sand Martin
4 Little Ringed Plover (evening)

Upper Cherwell Valley

5 Swallow
2 Sand Martin

Grimsbury Birds

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 03rd April
35 Swallow through late afternoon 1+ Sand Martin (per Tim Clark) 2 Shelduck -  Upper Cherwell Valley, the Borrow Pit pool...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 18th April
Grimsbury Reservoir Arctic Tern Sedge Warbler: m. 6 White Wagtail: up to 10 but hard to count as mobile. 3 Yellow Wagtail 65 Sand Martin: 65+. 8 House Martin 25 Swallow: 25+. Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 23rd September
Grimsbury Reservoir Wigeon: (number 105 for the Grim res year list). Shoveler 75 Swallow 10 Sand Martin 10 House Martin Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 6th April
Grimsbury Reservoir House Martin 35 Swallow 20 Sand Martin White Wagtail: and another possible bird. Siskin: over. Gareth Blockley...

- Farmoor (8-10am)
Lapland Bunting - 1 Greenshank - 1 (heard only) Common Sand - 3 Yellow Wagtail - 2 Blackcap -1 Swallow - 10 House Martin - 30 Sand Martin - 2 Egyptian Goose - 1...

