GoingBirding: 24th March

GoingBirding: 24th March

Port Meadow
5 Dunlin
3 Little Ringed Plover
5 Ruff

David Fearn

- Port Meadow: 17th September
Port Meadow Ruff 4 Dunlin 5 Ringed Plover Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow 24th March
5 Dunlin 5 Ruff 5 Black-tailed Godwit 5 Little Ringed Plover 10 Redshank 1 Curlew 15 sand martin 4 chiffchaff Sydney Penner, Richard Foster & Gnome Photo of chiffchaff in blackthorn blossom (c) David Fearn...

- Port Meadow 20th March
Port Meadow Dunlin 2 Little Ringed Plover 11 Redshank Sydney Penner Port Meadow 3 Dunlin 8 Redshank 20th March Oxey Mead 2 Green Sandpiper James Grundy...

- Goingbirding: 16th March
Port Meadow Dunlin 12 Redshank Oystercatcher: mobile over floods and Burgess Field 09:30-10:00. David Fearn ...

- Port Meadow Friday 28th January
2 dunlin 1 redshank 90+ pintail (!) 2 shelduck (Gnome) 2 more dunlin 1 black-tailed godwit (David Fearn) Godwit photo (c) David Fearn...

