GoingBirding: 16th April

GoingBirding: 16th April

16th April

Cholsey: Cholsey Downs
Merlin: fem. Sitting on post at head of Dean's Bottom, viewed from track up from Fair Mile to Ridgeway. SU544824.

Aston Tirrold
3 Wheatear: 2m, 1f. On west facing slope of Blewburton Hill. SU545862.

Peter Law

- Blewbury: 23rd September
Blewbury 3 Wheatear: on farm track to the south west of Blewburton Hill. 11:30. Gerry Quinn...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 15th October
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 2 Wheatear 33 Corn Bunting 16 Yellowhammer 15 Linnet 40 Skylark: 40+ in area. 11 Grey Partridge: in the fields below the southern slope. 5 Meadow Pipit Cholsey 4 Redwing: Over Marymead. Paul Chandler...

- Cholsey: Cholsey Hill: 12th October
Cholsey: Cholsey Hill Wheatear Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill Wheatear 12 Meadow Pipit: flying south. Drayton 1066 41 Teal Willow Warbler: partial song heard. 2 Chiffchaff Water Rail Paul Chandler...

- 6th April Oxfordshire Downs
12 Wheatear 1 female Whitethroat Hen Harrier ring tail Fairmile Cholsey Downs Merlin female Ring Ouzel Aston Upthorpe Downs ...

- Rough-legged Buzzard 19th March
Rough-legged Buzzard (juv) again on the Cholsey Downs at 8:45a.m. (per Dai Johns & B.B) -Still present mid to late morning and showing well. Ranging from the Fairmile to Uphill Wood. -Wheatear at Cholsey Lollongdon Hill....

