GoingBirding: 12th April

GoingBirding: 12th April

Grimsbury Reservoir
Common Sandpiper
House Martin

Gareth Blockley

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 8th April
Grimsbury Reservoir 3 House Martin 15 Swallow: 15 to 20 - mostly high up and very mobile!. Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 23rd September
Grimsbury Reservoir Wigeon: (number 105 for the Grim res year list). Shoveler 75 Swallow 10 Sand Martin 10 House Martin Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 30th August
Grimsbury Reservoir 2 Common Sandpiper Little Ringed Plover: juv. This one has been around for a week now, must be the longest staying wader ever at grim res!. House Martin: Flew over, heard calling but not seen. Gareth Blockley Common Sandpiper 4 Little...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 25th April
Grimsbury Reservoir 2 Shelduck: pair. 2 Arctic Tern 3 Little Gull: 2 ads, 1 1st yr. 9 Common Tern 2 White Wagtail 2 Wheatear 70 Swallow: 70 +. 7 House Martin Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 6th April
Grimsbury Reservoir House Martin 35 Swallow 20 Sand Martin White Wagtail: and another possible bird. Siskin: over. Gareth Blockley...

