Garden Blackcaps 4th January

Garden Blackcaps 4th January

Female Blackcap in Gosford courtesy of Tony Biskup

Male Blackcap Abingdon courtesy of David Hastings

Female Blackcap Bicester courtesy of Nick Truby

Juvenile Blackcap Otmoor courtesy of Nick Truby ...

- Witney 3rd February
Over wintering female Blackcap nr Bicester courtesy of Nick Truby My over wintering male Blackcap has been joined by a second male, but each keep to the apples on opposite sides of the back garden. Clackers Kingston Bagpuize Blackcap: fem. Feeding on...

- Farmoor Oct 19th (08;15-11:30)
Garden Warbler - 1 Blackcap - 2 (male and female) Chiffchaff - 4 Stonechat - 1 male Rock Pipit - 1 Red Necked Grebe - 1 (NW corner of F1) Jack Snipe - 1 Shoveler - female on F1...

- Long Hanborough
6 Brambling around garden today plus female Blackcap y'day (per V.Wren) No sign of Hawfinch on Stonesfield Common...

- Long Hanborough
Brambling still around the garden this am. Female Blackcap Yarnton (per S. Wren) 2 Blackcap Bloxham (per I. Cox) ...

