Foxholes BBOWT February 10th

Foxholes BBOWT February 10th

A couple of hours wandering round my local reserve this afternoon

14 Woodcock sheltering in snowy bracken and brambles
2 Lesser Redpoll
2 Raven
6 Great Spotted Woodpecker
20 Redwing
2 Marsh Tit
Flock of 15 Long tailed Tit

- Foxholes Bbowt 29th December
Raven 1 Woodcock 2 Marsh Tit 4 Great Tit 24 in one flock feeding in leaf litter Mixed flock of 40+ Chaffinch/Yellowhammer/Reed Bunting  feeding in game cover Bullfinch 9 Lesser Redpoll 1 Goldcrest 3 Nuthatch 7 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1...

- Blenheim Park 16th Nov Am
Lesser Redpoll Marsh tit Tree creeper 5+ Nuthatch Raven Great spotted woodpecker...

- Cothill Fen: 03/03/2013
Male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Also; Great Spotted Woodpecker (4) Green Woodpecker (2) Redwing (c.35) Nuthatch Treecreeper Reed Bunting (4) Kestrel (m) ..and a very close encounter with 15 or so long-tailed tits who seemed to accept me as part of the...

- Foxholes Reserve: 18th February
Foxholes Reserve Raven 3 Marsh Tit: 1 m singing + 1 pair. 25 Lapwing: c.25 over. 5 Great Spotted Woodpecker: 5 +. Lots of drumming and calling. 2 Nuthatch Gareth Blockley...

- Foxholes Bbowt March 1

