Foxholes BBOWT 8th December

Foxholes BBOWT 8th December

Raven 2
Sparrowhawk 1f
Common Buzzard 2
Marsh Tit 7
Tree Creeper 2
Goldcrest 8
Nuthatch 6

- Otmoor 25th October
Tree-creeper courtesy of Moth ClarkMerlin (prob) Marsh Harrier 2 Sparrowhawk Bittern Water Rail Golden Plover c900 Snipe 15+ Raven 2 Kingfisher Tree-creeper Redpolls Blackcap (f) Cetti's Warbler Stonechat 4 (2m) (per Bark, The Roby's,Oz, Moth...

- Foxholes Bbowt 18th December
Woodcock 2 Marsh Tit 2 Nuthatch 3 Goldcrest 2 Sparrowhawk 1...

- Foxholes Reserve: 18th February
Foxholes Reserve Raven 3 Marsh Tit: 1 m singing + 1 pair. 25 Lapwing: c.25 over. 5 Great Spotted Woodpecker: 5 +. Lots of drumming and calling. 2 Nuthatch Gareth Blockley...

- Cowleaze Woods March 24
Common Crossbill 5 Lesser Redpoll 11 Siskin 3 Marsh Tit 2 Tree Creeper 1 Nuthatch 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Green Woodpecker 1...

- Thursday 28th October: Blenheim
27 mandarins on pond near Combe Gate still 1 marsh tit 2 nuthatch 1 tree creeper...

