Farmoor this evening

Farmoor this evening

Yellow Wagtail 10
White Wagtail 6
Common Sandpiper 1
Common Tern 5
Mallard with 15 ducklings
Swallow 2
Sand Martin 1
Common Snipe 1

- Farmoor 24th May
0830-0930 In the rain! Turnstone 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Common Tern 4 Yellow Wagtail 1m House Martin 200+ Common Swift 100+ European Swallow 20+ Sand Martin 5 Cuckoo 1m...

- Farmoor 28th April
Still 5 black-neck grebes this afternoon, showing really well on F2 near the car park.  WhinchatChannel Wagtail at Farmoor per Simon Bradfield Also a possible "Eastern form" yellow wagtail this morning per Tom Wickens Also (per Ewan Urquhart)...

- Radley Gp's
Black tailed Godwit 1m L.l.islandica Bar tailed Godwit 1m Little Ringed Plover 1 Common Redshank 1 Lapwing 3 Common Tern 2 White Wagtail 1 Yellow Wagtail 1 Sand Martin/Swallow/Garden Warbler/Blackcap/Common Whitethroat/Sedge Warbler/Willow Warbler/Common...

- Port Meadow Late Morning
Garganey 3 2m1f Yellow Wagtail 8 (in amongst horses and cattle) Oystercatcher 2 Lapwing 2 Common Tern 1 Teal 17 also Gadwall,Shoveler and Mallard 1 House Martin, 2 Swallow 2 Sand Martin...

- Farmoor, 12th Apr
2 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper 2 Common Tern 1 White Watail 1 Yellow Wagtail 100's Sand Martin 1 House Martin seen near Gozzards Ford. All seen earlier than previous post?...

