Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames: 2nd March

Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames: 2nd March

Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames
2 Shelduck

Mike Youngman

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 13th January
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Great Northern Diver: By the Sailing club. 10:00. Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames 2 Goosander: Males. Flew off downstream. 10:00. Stephen Lockey...

- Appleton 15th July
Belated report of Probable Osprey NW of Abingdon at Appleton. Bird first seen flying from NNE direction at 20m. Appleton is about 4 and a half km south of Farmoor reservoir. Rested in Ash tree for c5mins until mobbed by locals, then flew approximately...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I: 11th January
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I Rock Pipit: On F1, then causeway and then F2. Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames 2 Goosander: pair. Gareth Blockley...

- Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames: 11th March
11th March Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames 3 Oystercatcher 2 Little Owl Chiffchaff Peter Law...

- Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames: 11th November
11th November Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames Great Grey Shrike: Popped up and sat on top of a tree for about five minutes on the path to Shrike Meadow hide around 15.30 on Friday. Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway Snow Bunting: Still on Farmoor II side of...

